Tuesday, February 17, 2009

Lesson Plan for Week of February 17, 2009: 3 Year Olds

Sensory Table: Soapy water with dishes and dish cleaning supplies Tuesday, Dolls for bathing for Thursday

Gooey: Pink play dough (gluten free)

Easel: Paint Tuesday, Crayons Thursday

Manipulatives: Linking people

Writing Table: Usual things Tuesday, scissors attached to table on Thursday

Other: If the sensory footpath survives my other class, we will use it here.

Notes: Thursday will be the first time this class has used scissors in the classroom. Typically scissors are a part of the classroom from the start at this age, but given the personalities in the class we've waited until now.

1 comment:

  1. This activity can be used by a nursery assistant or teacher, and has been used for years. Scissors required to be controlled, even safety scissors. The washing activity can be an induvidual, pairs or as a small groups with children completing tasks. Of course this activity is amied at girls. Dolls!
